When we encounter something that affects us, roils us up, saddens us, how do we act? After all the inner dialogue and perhaps discussion with peers on how wrong the event was, what do we do?
Some don't get affected. What happens in their surroundings does not matter much to them. I believe its called apathy. I am no one to judge anyone for being apathetic and my write up is not about it either.
There are some who just LOVE to crib. They can complain about anything and can blame the entire system for the state of affairs. Those are the very people who won't lift a finger to change anything for the better. Its easy to just complain and do nothing more. I know it is, because I did that till very recently.
And suddenly I understood one day, that its not enough to just complain. I need to do something about whatever it is that I don't like. It need not be a huge community altering change that I had to effect. Every small bit in whatever capacity I can, will help.
And with that, I had this second epiphany. I stopped complaining. Not because all problems vanished, but something inside me shifted.
Maybe that's why you will hardly see that the actual drivers of change hardly complain. They quietly do their work knowing fully well that things take time to ripen and mature. They are prepared to encounter and face challenges in the way and still continue their good work. They do not get bogged down or derailed by even the most vitriolic opposition. And by sheer will and good work, they inspire others to do the right thing.
Now I think I finally grasp these words 'Be the change you want to see in the world' by Gandhiji.