Those who know me might describe me as short and on the heavier side at their charitable best. And those who don't would see a short and well obese woman. There were quite a few who tried to tell me to take care of my health in subtle and not so subtle means. Well meaning, I am sure, but ineffective because it did not motivate me at all.
And so, here I was, eating much more than what I ever used to, getting heavier and less confident in myself. Stamina was at an all time low. Just going out on an errand for a couple of hours would exhaust me for the whole day. Going for a walk felt miserable as I was low on energy and did not like the way I looked at all. I did not look forward to meeting people and dreaded social occasions. My demeanor had changed from a calm happy person to one who had anger issues. I had weekly headaches which had symptoms of mild migraine.
Till the day I started yoga six months ago. I chanced upon a private trainer who would come home and immediately signed up. And from then on, everything has only gotten better.
Jan 21 - Mar 20 2016
The first two months were tough. She would come 3 days a week and I had lots of aches and pains in the beginning. All I did the first two months were attend the classes. Did not go for walk, did not try to eat less, but automatically started eating less. Slowly I started feeling better, energy levels were up and headaches had vanished. I did not go near the weighing machine the first two months. I was scared there would be no change and I would get badly demotivated.
Mar 21 - July 20 2016
End of two months(March 21), I felt I had improved somewhat in weight and energy and felt better about myself. I dared to check my weight. I started going for walks in the evening and slowly increased the duration of walks. Started doing yoga on the days my trainer did not come home.
I became more conscious about what I ate. Started a proper teatime snack at 4 pm(dates and rusk or makhana with tea), salad dinner a month back. Breakfast and lunch no change. I did the 108 suryanamaskaars on June 21 and plan to do it at least once a month. I try and drink more water than I did before. I have incorporated Leslie walks and a few short routines in the evening. And am very happy to see a drop of 8 kg in 4 months. And with it, compliments and wishes to continue.
My major learnings :
1. Yoga really helped in increasing my stamina slowly. The aasans with right breathing do wonders to composure and calm the mind.
2. Clean eating came AFTER I saw results. I could never have started with a diet and yoga at the same time.
3. Hiring a private trainer was the best thing I did.
4. It took time for me to understand my body. I take more time and hence asked my trainer to change aasans once in two months rather than once a month.
5. I see that if I try to push a little, my body is willing to do better.
6. For me, I could not have started with a Leslie walk and continue it. The lack of stamina made it impossible.
7. Salad dinner got my digestive system right and I now have glowing skin!
And here I am, poised and confident about the rest of the journey.